As soon as the owner of this modern cottage set their eyes on our flush windows, they decided they had to have them. The entire cottage has been fitted with them and they all have a fashionable grey finish applied to the frames. All manner of window sizes were manufactured, but each window has an identical look with identical detailing throughout. They also each have Georgian bar, a trend-setting grey finish and a perfect flush fitting on the outside, as well as accommodating energy efficient glass.

They look so at home with the country-inspired stable door and have really given the house a wonderfully vintage feel, making neighbouring householders extremely jealous. You cannot help but want to touch the window hardware when inside the house. The handles are precision-crafted and you can tell how much love has gone into them. Locking the handles is what keeps the flush windows so secure as they have one of the most advanced locking mechanisms you will find. In fine weather, the handles are often being used to open the windows and invite fresh air indoors. You would be quite happy to have the bedroom windows shut though as the view through them, despite the inclusion of Georgian bars, is something else.

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